Day 18: Locust Pose

Salabhasana, Locust Pose

We know, your elbows probably hurt in this posture and it’s completely normal. If your elbows do hurt, the next time you practice this posture ask yourself, “Is this a sensation is discomfort, or am I actually feeling pain.” When we say “____ should/might hurt” we always mean that you might be feeling an intense feeling of discomfort. These uncomfortable sensations are actually quite desirable because it means that change is happening! For most of us, our elbows are meant all day long. Especially if you work at a computer, you will spend the majority of your time with your elbows bent. Straightening your arms all the way is the first step in this posture. Once you have straight arms, you can start to work them closer and closer together until they are completely underneath your stomach, invisible.

Benefits of Locust Post include:

  • Helps with tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis in the wrists and hands.

  • Effective in helping conditions of slipped disc and sciatica, relieving and prevent backache.

  • Firms buttocks and hips.

  • Increases spinal strength, flexibility and circulation.

  • Relieves menstrual pain.

  • Increases abdominal pressure and regulates intestinal function.

  • Corrects cervical spondylosis.

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