Day 28: Blowing in Firm Pose

Kapalbhati in Vajrasana, Blowing in Firm Pose

“Final Breathing” — the two best words you hear on your first day of class. This exercise can be hard to get the hang of at first, but it is so simple! Sit in firm pose (kneel down position). If firm pose is painful in your knees and/or ankles, you may sit cross-legged, but however you chose to sit your spine should be straight. Relax your face, your shoulders, and your abdomen. You blow out the mouth, and your inhale will happen automatically. Your belly should pump in and out with each exhale, greatly benefiting your abdominal muscles, internal organs, and digestive system. Remember, your lips and teeth should take no part in this breathing exercise ;-)

Benefits of Blowing in Firm include:

  • Detoxifies and cleanses body by removing stale air and toxins from the lungs.

  • Brings mental clarity.

  • Strengthens abdominal organs.

  • Energizes body.

  • Improves oxygenation to the entire body.

  • Improves cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

  • Good for high blood pressure.

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