Day 2-4: Half Moon Pose with Hands to Feet Pose

Ardha Chandrasana with Padahastasana, Half Moon Pose with Hands to Feet

The challenge of half moon pose (side bend and back bend) is to keep your arms and your legs straight throughout the entirety of the posture. This might not be possible when you first start practicing, but keep at it! The object is to only bend your spine.

For Hands to Feet, you will probably need to bend your legs in order to touch your upper body to your lower body. There should be NO GAP between your stomach and your thighs. Once you have glued your upper body to your lower body, then you can start to straighten your legs without losing the contact of your upper and lower body. Eventually you will achieve total body stretching throughout your legs and spine.

Benefits of Half Moon Pose and Hands to Feet Pose:

  • Increases the flexibility of your entire spine

  • You stretch all of the muscles in the side of your body, the front of your body and then the back of your body - the perfect start to class!

  • Can reduce and eventually eliminate lower back pain

  • Improves and strengthens all of your body’s central muscles

  • Gives quick energy and vitality by improving circulation throughout your body

  • Back bending teaches you to overcome fear, anxiety, and dive into the unknown!

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