Day 12: Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee

Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee, Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana

“The one after triangle” is such an amazing beneficial posture! Since it comes after the peak of the standing series, this is one of the postures where you might find yourself just going through the motions. First and foremost, make sure you have a big enough step! The step is 3 feet minimum, so if you are tall, you will need an even larger step. Next, practice going into this one slowly. We take time in the setup to align the feet and hips, but sometimes we go into it too fast and lose that alignment on the way down. It takes incredible strength in your core and legs to go in and out of this one slowly. If you are trying with all of your might to get your head to your knee and it still isn’t happening, don’t worry! Make sure you are using your abdominal muscles to pull the low belly in and up to the best of your ability. With time, practice, and patience you will be able to get your head on your knee with your palms together in namaskar and both legs straight!

Benefits of Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee include:

  • Compresses belly and throat to flush out and stimulate abdominal organ

  • Alleviates diabetic disorders

  • Balances levels of blood sugar

  • Aids immune system and metabolic functions by stimulating thyroid

  • Helps regulate pancreas and revitalizes kidneys

  • Works digestive, endocrine, and reproductive systems

  • Enhances flexibility of calves, hamstrings, sciatic nerves, and spine

  • Strengthens abdominal muscles and legs (particularly calves and quadriceps)

  • Slims belly, buttocks, hips, and waistline

  • Invigorates and stretches shoulders (especially deltoids and trapezius)

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