Day 13: Tree Pose

Tadasana, Tree Pose

When you see Tree Pose it looks very simple, but at this point in class your internal body temperature is at its hottest, so it can make Tree Pose feel extra challenging. This Pose is meant to calm down your nervous system, refocus your energy inwards, and prepare you for Savasana. It is a one-legged balancing posture, so you will reapply the techniques you have already practiced throughout the class: concentration, single pointed focus (drishti), and a locked knee. This variation of Tree pose is also meant to be preparation for Lotus posture, so bring your foot up as high as you possibly can on your thigh. We are aiming for the “costume” meaning your bent leg foot should be as close to your hip crease as possible. There is no rush to move both of your hands, so if your foot is slipping, keep holding your foot! Lastly, make sure your spine is as straight as possible. If you are hunching forward or leaning to one side, really bring your awareness to your spine and lengthen up out of your waist.

Benefits of Tree Pose include:

  • Relieves lower-back pain

  • Releases tension in belly

  • Prevents hernia

  • Stretches spine and adductors along inner thigh

  • Improves balance and posture

  • Increases flexibility of ankles, knees, and hip joints

  • Enhances mobility of knees and hip

  • Helps correct posture

  • Invigorates Internal oblique muscles and leg muscles–particularly calves and quadriceps

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