Day 14: Toe Stand

Padangustasana, Toe Stand

We’ve reached the last posture of the standing series! This is the last posture between you and Savasana, and a lot of us would rather just skip it. First of all, if you feel that your knees aren’t ready for Toe Stand, we feel you! But rather than skip it altogether, treat Toe Stand like any other posture — try the right way, go as far as you can. You practice the ranges of motion necessary to execute Toe Stand in 3rd part awkward and in Tree Pose, so if Toe Stand seems impossible in the beginning, focus on improving these other two postures. Remember, the Bikram yoga series works together as a whole to give you more freedom of movement, so give each posture your honest effort no matter how far you can go!

Benefits of Toe Stand Include:

  • Improves mental concentration and patience.

  • Strengthens the muscles of the core.

  • Helps to cure rheumatism and arthritis in the knees, ankles, and feet.

  • Strengthens weak ankle and knee joints.

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