Day 15: Savasana

Savasana, Corpse Pose

Ahhhhhhhh, Savasana. Just like every other posture, there is a form to Savasana and you are definitely practicing your yogi skills of patience and self-discipline. For Corpse Pose, you bring your arms and legs in close, heels touching, and toes fall open naturally. There is a slight rotation in your shoulders to face your palms up towards the ceiling. Focus your eye gaze one spot, and then relax — softening your whole body top to bottom. We are incredibly over stimulated throughout our day, so relaxing like this might be the most challenging part of class. One of the most important things to remember is that this is a posture just like every other posture, and it requires practice. Over time, you will learn the superpower of being calm, present, and aware while also being still and relaxed.

Benefits of Savasana Include:

  • Facilitates powerful blood flow throughout your entire body.

  • Allows circulation return to normal, creating internal cleansing and greatly magnifying the benefits of the postures that precede it.

  • We begin to learn relaxation. By finding stillness in our bodies, we can one day experience stillness in our minds.

***These stickers on our floor are floor graphics from Sticker Mule and they are the absolute BEST. We’ve been using them since reopening during the pandemic to indicate where students place their mats. We also have them throughout our studio to assist in maintaining 6 feet distance from others. We’re slightly obsessed with them, and although we wish we could pack 40+ people in our room like the old days, it is so nice to have the room organized and symmetrical. We also have some Hot Yoga Richmond fridge magnets from Sticker Mule that we are giving away for free! We have found that they also work well as car magnets. Grab yours the next time you are in the studio!

Hot Yoga Richmond