Day 20: Bow Pose

Dhanurasana, Bow Pose

The finale of the spine strengthening series, this backbend compresses your entire spine top to bottom! When we see a beautiful bow posture, it’s normal to think “wow, they are so flexible!” But every posture requires a balance of strength and flexibility. For bow in particular, your legs have to be incredibly strong to lift you off of the ground! When you practice bow pose, be mindful that your knees and feet stay no more than 6 inches apart (about hips width distance) and use the power in your legs to kick! As you kick, relax through your chest and shoulders, and do your best to keep your face relaxed. No matter how high you are able to kick, this posture works wonders for your spine!

Benefits of Bow Pose Include:

  • Relieves back problems by compressing spine.

  • Stimulates nervous system.

  • Improves neck flexion.

  • Flushes blood through kidneys.

  • Opens shoulders.

  • Strengthens back and shoulder muscles.

  • Increases circulation to the heart and lungs.

  • Opens rib cage, diaphragm and expands the chest region improving oxygen intake.

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