Day 21: Fixed Firm Pose

Supta-Vajrasana, Fixed Firm Pose

No you don’t have “bad knees”, but your knees might not be as mobile as they once were. We have good news for you — although this seems like the “knee posture”, really the entire Bikram Yoga sequence is helping to improve the condition of your knees. This posture is a big stretch for the knee joint, and we highly recommending taking it slow and easy. If your knees, feet, and/or ankles are hurting in the setup of this pose, open your knees wider. This will take some of the pressure out of your knees. Only go as far as you can while breathing normal, and make sure you feel absolutely no pain. Sometimes we are so focused on getting all the way back, that we forget to simply take it one step at a time. Go slow, try the right way, and don’t give up!

Benefits of Fixed Firm include:

  • Lubricates and increases circulation to joints which over time will strengthen and improve the flexibility of the lower spine, knees and ankle joints.

  • Helps conditions of sciatica, gout, varicose veins and rheumatism in the legs.

  • Slims and tones thighs.

  • Firms calf muscles.

  • Lengthens and strengthens the abdominal mucles

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