Day 9: Balancing Stick

Tuladandasana, Balancing Stick

Who knew it could be so hard to keep your arms with your ears!? We ask you to keep your arms and head together throughout this 10(ish) second posture. As a beginner, your shoulders might not allow you to straighten your arms all the way yet, but you must keep trying! For reasons of stamina, strength building, and self-discipline, do not succumb to the temptation to drop your arms unless you are working through an injury or are pregnant. You can absolutely do it!

Benefits of Balancing Stick include:

  • Increases cardiovascular circulation, especially to the heart blood vessels.

  • Helps to clear blocked arteries.

  • Helps prevent future cardiac problems.

  • Relieves stress from the spine.

  • Good for preventing and/or reducing varicose veins.

  • Builds strength in the legs, hips, abdominal muscles, and shoulders.

  • Exercises the pancreas, spleen, liver, nervous and circulatory system.

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